Breaking News. Japan based Jubilo Iwata adding a midfielder from Uzbekistan


Finally, it was released that which Japanese J-league participant so close to signing a contract with a player from Uzbekistan.

Most of the football professionals informed that a player may participate in J-league next season. But, everyone kept the player name and Japanese club name as a secret.

However Information Portal journalist researched a lot and found the correct and reliable data from a Japanese journalist. According to him, Japan’s Jubilo Iwata may import a foreign player from Uzbekistan based football club, FC Nasaf’s, who is Fozil Musaev.

 “It was sensational news in Japanese media. A tall and strong player, Fozil Musaev may help Jubilo’s centre-back and he has also good tackling skills to block the encounter attacks” said our college from Japan.

So far Jubilo Iwata and Fozil Musaev have already dealt even a provisional contract. If the results of a medical examination conducted during this month will be successful, Fozil Musaev will be announced as a foreign player of Jubilo Iwata officially.  


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