A special seminar on the training of judges VAR was held

The training process covered a number of topics, including introduction to the system, application, as well as analysis and review of situations using VAR.

The first Vice-President of UFA Ravshan Irmatov also took part in the last event, who expressed his opinion:

"The VAR system is becoming increasingly important in modern football. Refereeing used to do without this system, but football is becoming more dynamic. That's why technologies like VAR have become a part of today's football. In the past, when we started implementing this system in our country, many people doubted whether there was a need for VAR. But in the end, we saw that by implementing this system, we achieved justice in the games," Ravshan Ermatov said.

For information, at the seminar, experts Vladislav Zeitlin and Valentin Kovalenko gave a number of recommendations to young judges based on their experience. Some situations from the last season of the Super League were also reviewed and analyzed.


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