  • 27 Dec 21:07
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Two players of "Metallurg" returned to the team

They returned from rent!

  • 27 Dec 21:03
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AGMK will leave another leader in the club

Earlier it was reported that Dilshod Akhmadaliyev will also remain at the club.

  • 27 Dec 20:58
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The plan of "Kokand-1912" became clear

Kokand residents will take part in the tournament ”Khokim Cup"

  • 24 Dec 21:46
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Do you know which coach will lead "Dinamo" in the new season?

It is expected that he will arrive in Samarkand in the near future.

  • 24 Dec 21:42
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The plans of "Kokand-1912" have changed

Preparation will begin in the new year.

  • 24 Dec 21:39
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The results of the UCH in judo have been summed up

The 3-day judo Championship of Uzbekistan has ended in the Yunusabad sports complex. Yesterday, martial artists in the heavyweight division took to the tatami.