  • 02 Oct 16:16
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The Uzbekistan national judo team has departed for Italy to participate in the World Championship

On October 6-10, the city of Olbia (Sardinia) will host the World Youth Judo Championship, which is included in the calendar of competitions of the International Judo Federation (IJF).

  • 02 Oct 13:16
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Tashkent Tiger: legendary Uzbek boxer Rufat Riskiev celebrates his 72nd birthday

The famous athlete is one of the founders of the Uzbek boxing school. In 2020, by presidential decree, he was awarded the Order of Dustlik.

  • 02 Oct 13:05
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ITFK karate-do Uzbekistan Cup starts today

It is organized between adolescents, young people and adults.

  • 02 Oct 12:36
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Uzbekistan national judo team will take part in the Cup of the President of Tajikistan

The Judo Cup of the President of Tajikistan will be held in Dushanbe from October 2 to 5.

  • 02 Oct 12:31
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UFA awarded our futsal team

Participation in the Futsal World Championship was highly appreciated.

  • 02 Oct 12:30
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WBA released updated ranking as of September 30th

Get acquainted with the place occupied by Uzbek boxers.

  • 02 Oct 12:26
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The national Cycling Championship is approaching

On October 5-10, the national championship in this direction of cycling will be held in the capital's cycling track base.