Uzbek team earn the 2nd place in the 11th International Table Tennis Festival in Moldova
25 teams from Transnistria, Russia, Moldova, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Spain and Turkey participated in the tournament as more than 200 athletes in 4 age categories competed for the festival prizes.
Uzbekistan’s table tennis team took the second place with two gold medals, while Dubossary school team were leaders with 5 gold medals.
1st place - Muhriddin Radjabov (youth)
1st place - Shahzod Mamajonov (junior)
2nd place - Sogdiana Madalieva (youth)
2nd place - Romania Lutfulina (youth)
2nd place - Maqsud Nurpulatov (youth)
2nd place - Husnarakhon Eminova (adult)
2nd place - Kutbidillo Teshaboev (adults)
3rd place - Maqsud Rustamov (junior)