New plans for sports medicine research and practice center studied
The Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Sports Medicine (RSPCSM) under the NOC plays an important role in the process of preparing domestic athletes for major competitions. Today the First Deputy Chairman of the NOC Otabek Umarov and Secretary General of the Committee Oybek Kasimov familiarized themselves with the work carried out at the RNPCSM. The leaders were accompanied by the Director of the Center Kamol Sirojitdinov.
During the visit, special attention was paid to the rehabilitation department, which has recently been reconstructed and equipped with modern technology. All necessary conditions have been created here for athletes' recovery after competitions and experienced specialists are assigned here. Also, the leaders familiarized themselves with the activities of the laboratory, hospital and research department. In addition, it is planned to create surgical and intensive care departments to provide timely medical assistance to athletes. K. Sirojitdinov familiarized the NOC leadership with the plans of this project.
It should be noted that today, according to the plan, representatives of Uzbekistan's national weightlifting team underwent in-depth medical examination. The officials talked to the athletes about preparation for the next competitions, their goals, health and wished them good luck.