Olympic Winter Games. Uzbekistan's Komiljon Tukhtaev loses control in men's slolam run


Uzbekistan’s Kamil Tukhtaev finished his participation in PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games. In Men’s Slolam Run, Tukhtaev lost control both times as only 43 athletes were able to reach the finish.  

Andre Myhrer of Sweden has won the Olympic men's slalom, taking advantage of big favorites Marcel Hirscher and Henrik Kristoffersen failing to finish the race.

The 35-year-old Myhrer finished 0.34 seconds ahead of Switzerland's Ramon Zenhaeusern, who took an unexpected silver medal.

Bronze medalist Michael Matt of Austria was 0.67 behind Myhrer's two-run time of 1 minute, 38.99 seconds. Matt's brother Mario won gold four years ago.


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