Tashkent hosted Youth and Adult Uzbekistan Karate-Do Championship

Chery Tigo 7 PRO

Tashkent hosted Youth and Adult Uzbekistan Karate-Do championship which nearly 100 athletes competed for gold medals of the championship.

The championship was organized by Ministry of Culture and Sports,

Development Center of Asian wrestling and martial arts, "Kamolot" Civic Youth Movement and Uzbekistan Karate-Do Federation.

Across an intense and high-level competition, Otabek Rajabboev, Azizbek Tulkinov, Davlatbek Abdugafforov, Shamshodbek Bozorboev, Jahongir Shodiyev, Gulsinoy Solmonova, Sarvinoz Bozorboeva, Navruza Muhammadrizaeva, Mukhlisa Abdufattoeva, Dilshoda Aliakbarova were named as unbeaten fighters in their age category and crowned with gold medals of the championship.

Here is the photo gallery taken from the Youth and Adult Uzbekistan Karate-Do Championship




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