Uzbekistan's epee fencers to compete in the Grand Prix tournament in Doha

  • 23 Jan 22:44
  • Odilbek Fayzullayev
  • 0
  • Others

An important international competition awaits representatives of Uzbekistan's national epee team at the end of the week. In particular, epee fencers will compete in the Grand Prix tournament in Qatar on January 24-26. According to the country's Fencing Federation, 8 athletes will defend the country's honor in this event:

Girls: Shahzoda Egamberdiyeva, Dilnaz Murzataeva, Sanam Nazarova, Sevara Rakhimova; 

Boys: Akhmadjon Faiziev, Zhavohirbek Nurmatov, Muhammadyusuf Siddikov, Meyirkhan Timurov. 


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