FC Navbahor - FC Nasaf: how to buy tickets for the final match? (full details)

The final match of the Uzbekistan Cup between Navbahor and Nasaf clubs, which will be held on October 30, starts at 17:00. In-game events are shown at this link.

The Professional Football League of Uzbekistan cooperates with iTiket in order to ensure transparency of ticket sales for the final. Tickets will go on sale from Tuesday, October 25. At the same time, tickets will be sold both online and offline.

Fans of the Navbahor club, which acts as a nominal host, are advised to buy tickets in sectors 12, 13, 14 and in sectors that show the club's logo in this sequence. And fans of the Nasaf club, who are nominal guests, are recommended to choose sectors 6, 7, 8 and the rest located closer to the team logo. Tickets to sectors 9, 11, 10A and 10b will be available to neutral fans in the city of Bukhara. For the sectors adjacent to the VIP fields of the stadium, ticket sales are planned online.

For the convenience of football fans from Kashkadar and Namangan, tickets can also be sold through the ticket offices of the Nasaf and Navbahor stadiums. Uzpfl aims to achieve this by linking both clubs with iTicket. That is, clubs will be able to call tickets to their stadiums from the sectors proposed above using "Ticket" for the convenience of their fans.

Football fans are asked to take the issue of tickets seriously. In cooperation with the law enforcement agencies of the Bukhara region, Uzpfl and iTicket will remind football fans of the need to monitor the final match in such a way that it does not deviate from existing regulations and rules. Given the presence of a "QR code" on the tickets, it is not recommended that the purchased tickets fall into the hands of unauthorized persons or be photographed and posted on social networks.

Tickets for the Final are sold for 75,000 soums for VIP sectors. There will also be ticket sales in the amount of 35,000, 30,000 and 25,000 soums, depending on the category.


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