"Superliga-2024". New season intro is ready (video)

The start of the new season is just a few days away. The league is continuing preparations to kick it off on a high note.

It is no secret that much attention is being paid to the issue of bringing the national championship to a new stage and developing it in various aspects. The league has been trying to get serious about intros, rolls, and the like over the last three seasons. In particular, the intro videos prepared for the 2022 and 2023 Super League seasons were warmly received by the public. A number of prestigious foreign publications also touched on the intros of the Uzbekistan Super League.

Now the 2024 season intro is ready. For the third year in a row, the league worked in cooperation with the computer graphics agency Tasnif Group. At the first stage of the agreement, that is, in the 2022 season, attention was mainly focused on the symbols of the teams, but by 2023, the location of the clubs on the map of Uzbekistan was made the main topic. Starting from 2024, the faces of the Super League athletes started to take place in the intro.


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