FC AGMK registered 5 players in the league

  • 15 Jan 19:35
  • Odilbek Fayzullayev
  • 0
  • Football

The OKMK club returned Giorgi Papava back. The Georgian signed a two-year contract with the olmalıks.

The club also reached a two-year agreement with Javohir Ilyasov, Avazbek Olmasaliev and Aziz Kholmurodov. Oybek Rustamov, on the basis of rent, will also start the new season in the ranks of the almalıks.

The miners extended the agreement with the team's leading players – Khurshid Giyosov, Mirjamol Kasimov, Sardor Rakhmonov, Akramjon Komilov, Valijon Rahimov and Dilshod Ahmadaliev-for two years.

The deal with Islam Tokhtakhojaev and Sardor Mirzaev was extended for one year.


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