Nematillo Kuttiboev: "Andijan" showed a combined game"

After the friendly match between "Andijan" and "Aral" (5:0), head coach of Nukus Nematillo Kuttiboev told the press service of "Andijan" as follows:

- We are working in "nagruzka" now. As for the game, we didn't take advantage of our opportunities. "Andijan" turned their chances into a goal. The result is 5:0.

- You played in the control game against "Andijan" in the winter. What was the difference?

- I didn't see any difference. But as far as I know, many players of "Andijan" did not play in the main team at that time. As for today's match, the team showed combined football. We played in a mixed formation. As I said, we are giving the players a "gift". That's why it was difficult for us.

- What changes are taking place in the composition?

- No major changes. A couple of players are walking, we are testing them.


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