The forces were level in "Surkhan's" match against kaysar

Leading a training camp in Antalya, Turkey, Termiz's " Surkhan “team took the field today in a control match against Kazakh club Kaisar. In an exciting draw, the forces were Level – 1: 1.

At first,” Kaysar " Legionnaire Paevich opened the score in the 37th minute. At the end of the section, Kamron Saydazimov regained his balance as the 45th minute passed. In the second half, no more goals were scored.

The main cast of "Surhon": Dilshod Yolandsev, Aziz Pirmuhammedov, Abdukadir Amirkulov, Shakhuzha Sultanmurodov, Doston Tursunov, Babur Asqarov, Sarvar Abduhamidov, Kamran Saydazimov, Asadbek Karimov, Anvarjan Anvarjonov, MuhammadAli Abdurahmanov.


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