The issue of the first place in the group where Uzbekistan is located is solved!v

The match between the Dominican Republic and Spain took place in the 2nd round of the "Paris-2024" Olympic football tournament. "Kyzil Furia" won 3:1.


The Spanish goals were scored by Fermin, Baena and Guterres. De Oka scored the only goal of nominal hosts.


Thus, Spain advanced to the next round with first place ahead of schedule.


  • Халқаро - Олимпия ўйинлари
  • Гуруҳ босқичи

Футбольная команда (Доминиканская Республика U23)

  • Ángel Montes de Oca 38'
1 : 3

27.07.2024 18:00


  • Fermín López 24'
  • Álex Baena 55'
  • Miguel Gutiérrez 70'


Фикр қолдириш учун авторизациядан ўтинг!