Ederson: "Husanov buyuk futbolchilardan biri"

  • 15 mart, 13:07
  • Bilolbek Imomov
  • 0
  • Futbol

Angliya Premer-ligasining 29-turida "Manchester Siti" "Brayton" bilan bahs olib boradi. Mazkur to‘qnashuvdan avval jamoa darvozaboni Ederson qishda yangi qo‘shilgan futbolchilar haqida o‘z fikrlari bilan o‘rtoqlashdi. 

Abdukodir Khusanov of Manchester City during the Premier League match between Nottingham Forest FC and Manchester City FC at City Ground on March 08,...
"Men kuchaytirishni juda ijobiy narsa deb bilaman. Husanov esa buyuk himoyachilardan biri, ulkan iste’dod egasi hisoblanadi. U so‘nggi o‘yinlarda juda yaxshi o‘ynamoqda. 

Nico Gonzalez of Manchester City on the ball during the Premier League match between Nottingham Forest FC and Manchester City FC at City Ground on...
Niko ham bizga juda kerak bo‘lgan pozitsiyada yordam berish uchun keldi. Ehtimol jamoamizdagi eng muhim pozitsiya desam adashmagan bo‘laman. Shu bilan birga, u himoyaviy jihatdan ham anchagina etuk o‘yinchi. 

Omar Marmoush of Manchester City is in action during the Premier League match between Nottingham Forest and Manchester City at the City Ground in...
Marmush oldindan bizga qo‘shimcha kuch berish, yordam berish, yaxshi natijalarga erishish uchun muhim futbolchiligini bilgan edik. 

Vitor Reis of Manchester City during the Premier League match between Nottingham Forest FC and Manchester City FC at City Ground on March 08, 2025 in...
Bundan tashqari, bizda Vitor bor, u juda istiqbolli kelajakka ega himoyachidir" - deya ta’rif berib o‘tdi, braziliyalik posbon. 
Ma’lumot o‘rnida, bugungi uchrashuv Toshkent vaqti bilan 20:00 da start oladi.


Fikr qoldirish uchun avtorizatsiyadan o'ting!