The referee, who worked in the final of the opposite Uzbekistan Cup, ended his career

As you know, in the current season, several famous and experienced football referees — Vadim Agishev, Damir Iskenderov, Jalgasbay Sarsenov and Bektursin Kannazarov-had ended their activities as referees. In the final match of the Uzbek Cup yesterday, the number of experienced referees who have completed their activities this season has reached 5.

Scientist Abduvasilov, who has been in the field of Arbitration for more than 20 years, having spent a number of seasons as an assistant chief judge, decided to end his career as a referee and left the field yesterday with a young man in the eye. At the end of the Final, a special tribute was given to him and a national zarchopon as well as a special souvenir were presented.

The Uzbek football referees ' center will wish the development of his future work, thanking the scientist Abduvasilov for his services in football refereeing.

Uzfhm press service.


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