Uzbekistan Cup on show jumping is held


The Uzbekistan Show Jumping Cup has started in the capital's Universal Horses Stables equestrian club.

Khurshidbek Olimjonov on Champion League horse (group “A”) recorded the best result and won the gold award on the route with the height of obstacles 130 cm. 

Bakhromjon Goziev on the horse La Blue Rouge (group “D”) won the highest medal on the route with the height of obstacles 120 cm. 

The winner in group “B” was Dilshod Shokirov, participating with the horse Cascade. 

In group “C” on the route with the height of obstacles 110 cm the best was Sevinch Nazarova with her horse Alice Ji. 

The Cup of Uzbekistan will last until October 19. 


Фикр қолдириш учун авторизациядан ўтинг!