Valley clubs came out of the struggle for the midfielder" Pakhtakor", the favorite - "Nasaf"

The question of whether midfielder Odil Hamrobekov, whose contract with Pakhtakor will expire on December 31 of this year, will remain in the Tashkent club, or move to another team, is for many қизиқ journalist Yahyokhoja Ulughajaev left a message about this in his Telegram channel as follows.

"Fergana's Neftchi and Namangan's Navbahor dropped out of the fight for Odil Hamrobekov.The reason is, at the same time, "Nasaf" for righteous came up with the most ideal proposal.It is clear that the 27-year-old midfielder's stay at Pakhtakor is closer to khaqiq, but it will be an unspoken "Nasaf"if he wants to change his team".

Recall that Hamrobekov took part in 22 games in the Super League this season, making one goal and one assist.

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