The Ministry of Culture and Sports Affairs of Kazakhstan: "The issue of holding the World Cup in our country is not being considered!"

As you know, there are reports that the Football Association of Uzbekistan and the Football Federation of Kazakhstan are going to jointly apply for the 2034 World Cup. In response, the Ministry of Culture and Sports Affairs of Kazakhstan expressed its reaction.

"The Ministry of Culture and Sports Affairs pays special attention to the development of football in Kazakhstan and is doing all kinds of work in this direction. However, we note that the issue of hosting the World Cup in Kazakhstan is not being considered, therefore we inform you that our country does not plan to submit an application for the championship," said the news published in "".

Earlier, the expert Alisher Nikimbaev briefly touched on this issue in his Telegram channel.

"Regarding the news that Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan submitted a joint application to host the 2034 World Cup, I would like to remind you that thirty years ago, Tashkent submitted an application to host the 2000 Olympic Games," the post reads.


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