Ticket prices for the match FC Navbahor - FC Nasaf became known

On March 3, the match of the 1st round of FC Navbahor - FC Nasaf Super League  takes place. Interest in the game is very high. Many people wonder how much tickets are sold for. The khokim of Namangan region Shavkat Abdurazzakov answered this question at the presentation of the Navbakhor team.

- Frankly, without discussion on the Internet - a ticket for the first match will be expensive. Considering that in the first round we will issue tickets cheaply, it will still be expensive "manually". Why would a speculator get rich when the club needs money!?

It is not easy to maintain such a team. From the following rounds we remove at the old price. I said in advance before the internet discussion starts tomorrow.

Thanks again to everyone. I think we will achieve very great results this year" - khokim said.

FC Navbahor - FC Nasaf competitions begins on March 3 at 18:30.


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