Uzbekistan Championship. Get acquainted with the winners of the blitz matches!
Get acquainted with the results of the blitz tournament of the Uzbekistan Chess Championship for boys and girls under 8, 10, 12 years old, held in Jizzakh region.
Among boys under 8 years old:
1st place Erkinbaev Sayfuddin
2nd place Abduakhatov Sarvar
3rd place Babajanov Sultanhusain;
Among girls under 8 years old:
1st place Larina Zarina
2nd place Uzokova Kumushoy
3rd place Abdulazizova Asmina;
Among boys under 10 years old:
1st place Mukhiddinov Mirzohid
2nd place Rajabov Abdurakhmon
3rd place Nematillakhonov Nurmuhammad;
Among girls under 10 years old:
1st place Nematjonova Zarina
2nd place Asadova Madinabonu
3rd place Khusnitdinova Husnorakhon;
Among boys under 12 years old:
1st place Akramov Khasan
2nd place Obidjonov Oriyat
3rd place Khusanov Islambek;
Among girls under 12 years old:
1st place Begmuratova Sarvinoz
2nd place Norkulova Malika
3rd place Komiljonova Lazizabonu.