Karate athletes have gone to the A series tournament


Our WKF karate team went to Cyprus. Under the leadership of Sulaimon Yusupov our athletes in the city of Larnaca will participate in the tournament series A. More than 1200 athletes from about 90 countries will compete for prizes in 14 categories. It should be noted that in the tournament will be issued world ranking points.

The composition of our national team

1. Turakhonov Mekhriddin -60

2. Aliboev Ulugbek -60

3. Khojakulov Muhammad Abdulaziz -67

4. Ziyatov Zhakhongir -67

5. Mukimjonov Mamayusuf -67

6. Muhammadiev Kuvonch -75

7. Khuzhayorov Ibrohim -75

8. Nomozov Shukhrat -84

9. Ismatullaev Islom +84

10. Alikhonov Jaloliddin +84

11. Turakulova Durdona yakka kata

12.Karamatdinova Dilnoza -50

13. Rakhimova Sevinch -55

14. Otaboeva Sevinch -61

15. Egamberdiyeva Bonu -68

16. Abdrimova Mokhichehra -68

17. Khakimjonova Mohlaroyim +68


1. Yusupov Sulaimon (head coach)

2. Oblyakulov Oybek

3. Uzokov Ikbolzhon

4. Najmiddinov Mehriddin (doctor)


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