The pitch of" Kokand-1912", which is temporarily used by Turon stadium, is being radically changed

  • 7 январь, 2024, 10:53
  • Odilbek Fayzullayev
  • 0
  • Футбол

You have a message that the area of the stadium "Central" in Kokand continues to be renovated.

The old turf in the field was removed and quarried and excavated. Now a new drainage system and an automatic irrigation system will be installed. These tasks are carried out perfectly until spring. After that, fresh, high-quality grass seeds are sown at the beginning of the spring season. Due to the work carried out to improve the quality of the field, "Kokan-1912" will play the first round of the Pro League at the "Uzbekistan" Stadium in Yaypan.

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As a result of the work carried out by the leadership, it becomes possible to have another quality space in our Republic. It is hoped that after the field grass is perfectly implemented, the team "Kokan-1912" will move in the stadium, which meets the demand of the AFC.

Press service "Kokand-1912".


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