Upsets at Uzbekistan National Boxing Championship. Who won the main fight of the day?

  • 5 ноябрь, 2020, 22:01
  • Ahmadbek Eshmatov
  • 0
  • Бокс

Today, the quarterfinals of the championship of Uzbekistan took place. It also had unexpected results, although most of the favorite boxers won.

In particular, the most experienced boxer in the weight category of 52 kg, the winner of the Islamic Solidarity Games and international tournaments Abrorjon Kadyrov lost to the representative of Andijan region Shakhbozbek Tolibjonov. His opponent in the semifinals will be a silver medalist of the championship Mironshoh Ibragimov from Bukhara.


Fozil Abdumurodov from Jizzakh region, the reigning champion of Uzbekistan in the same weight category, lost to Sodirbek Kamolmirzaev from Fergana. The fight was very fierce, and Abdumurodov, who missed a strong blow in the first round, was knocked down. In the second round, Foziljon, who was trying to gain a slight advantage, hit a few more clear shots than his opponent. In the third round of the fight, Sodirbek once again knocked down his opponent and won a ticket to the semifinals by a unanimous decision of the judges. In tomorrow's semifinals, Sodirbek will face Shahzod Muzaffarov, a representative of the youth national team. Shahzod eliminated Dilshodbek Abduvaliyev, who is representing another youth team in the quarterfinals.


The central fight of the day was at 75 kg. Akmalbek Kasimov from Fergana and Odiljon Aslonov from Bukhara region competed for a place in the semifinals. The fight was dominated by Odiljon Aslonov, and in the end, Aslonov won by unanimous decision of the judges. Navo Tamazov from Tashkent region will compete in the next round against Odiljon Aslonov.


Other famous boxers; 49kg: Nodirjon Mirzakhmedov, 60kg: Shunkor Abdurasulov, Shukurjon Rakhimov, Abdumalik Khalakov, 69kg: Bobousmon Boturov Bilolbek Mirzarakhimov, 75 kg: Fanat Kakhramanov, Saidjamshid Jafarov, +91kg: Lazizbek Mullajonov won their bouts.


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